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AROS is not dead - 04.05.2000

Date        Thu, 04 May 2000 17:40:39 +0200
Subject     [AROS-Announce] AROS is *NOT* dead !

Someone posted a message to the AROS-User list mentioning that AROS
is dead and that Amiga doesn't do anything, etc (the usual "I'm unhappy
and I want everyone else to be unhappy, too").


- AROS is not dead. We are currently working on forming a professional,
payed development team which will work at least part time on AROS.
This should allow us to finish the work much more quickly. I cannot
promise that this will really happen but that will be decided on 
Thursday, the 11th of May (next week). I will post here ASA I know
something new.

- I'm in close contact with Amiga and we're bouncing ideas forth
and back how Amiga and AROS could work together or how AROS could
get into a stable legal state. Most of these ideas did turn out to
be unusable and therefore we're not discussing them in the public.
Otherwise, there would be a lot of havoc and disruption.

- I'm also in close contact with OAF. AROS and OAF have separated
again because our mutual goals were no longer compatible. Basically,
OAF wants a version of AROS under GPL which would allow them to
work with FSF and other open source organizations which require this.
His problem ATM is to find out which parts of AROS infringe copyrights,
trademarks and patents and to find out how he can work around these.

AROS itself will try to move closer to Amiga because then we can get
support from them, we can help Amiga companies to make their old
apps work on AROS, we will get legal protection from Amiga, etc.

I cannot say if either attempt has an advantage over the other. All I
can say is that both make sense and since it's not clear which is
better, both should be tried. May the better win :-)

Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla                   Sowatec AG, Witzbergstr. 7
"(to) optimize: Make a program faster      8330 Pfäffikon, Switzerland
by improving the algorithms rather    
than by buying a faster machine."  
AROS-Announce mailing list

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